Friday 8 February 2013

Heat Acclimation - Perform Better!

Heat Acclimation Improves Intermittent Sprinting In The Heat But Additional Pre-Cooling  Offers No Further Ergogenic Effect

How can training in the heat result in improved cardiovascular and sprint conditioning, and prepare an athlete for competition in the heat?

Pulling on several resources and research papers, it has been proven that heat acclimation could be the missing link for those wishing to compete at higher levels, especially when having to compete overseas in hot and humid conditions.

This article contains a number of snapshots to give you a taste of how you can benefit from heat acclimation training, followed by recommended products to create your very own heat and humidity controlled training room:

 "....after heat acclimation, no significant correlation was evident  between peak power output and the physiological strain index in any condition, and peak power increased by ~2% in the heat"

 "The improved peak power output after heat  acclimation might have been due to reduced muscle temperatures  and lower epinephrine concentrations, leading to less reliance on muscle glycogen and thus producing higher  power output over is likely that the sparring adaptation accounts for at least some of the performance enhancement observed post acclimation in the hot condition."

 "Heat strain has been negatively correlated   to peak power output in hot, humid conditions in previous investigations and the current investigation prior to heat acclimation.  However, no such correlation was observed when acclimated.......our data confirm previous observations that heat acclimation of short duration improves tolerance

“It is the first study to show increased basal HSP70 concentrations and improved intermittent sprinting performance due to heat acclimation

“These results are important for the travelling athlete....if time and facilities [are available] to heat acclimate, it is possible  that heat acclimation  could enhance  intermittent sprint performance”.

References of quotations available: Tim Watts –
We tailor heating and humidity products to provide hot and humid conditions for those wishing to perform at higher levels, and to get the competitive edge.  We calculate heat load, humidity duties required and offer a simple supply and installation package that creates a heated environment for athletes to train.  We use the latest infra red heaters combined with commercial steam humidifiers to control the temperature and humidity within your heat acclimation training chamber. 

Contact us for more information on how to get more out of your training programme.

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