Monday 15 July 2013

New Portable Hot Yoga Heater

New Portable Infra Red Heater For Hot Yoga 

Munters produce a portable heater that could be the answer for hot yoga studios struggling with the extra heat needed in the classes, or for hot yoga teachers wishing to buy a portable.  We are currently running tests on the heaters to check if they are up to the job of heating a whole space with people practicing hot yoga.

Munters LOT Portable Infra Red Heater For Hot Yoga

The great thing about the Munters LOT heater is that it can be used with standard mains electric (230V), and they plug straight in to the wall of the room.  What this means for the hot yoga teacher is versatility and the flexibility to take the heaters to another room (possibly one that is rented) and heat up the space in a very short time.

Add humidity in to this and you have a very effective portable hot yoga heating system to practice and teach in.  We are starting to receive more enquiries for a portable system as the UK market is becoming better educated about the use of different types of heating system that teachers can use.

If you would like more information on the Munters LOT Portable Infra Red Heater - contact us on the number above, or email us: 

Other uses for the heater:

  • Room Drying
  • Paint Drying
  • Office Heating (on particularly cold days)

Wednesday 12 June 2013

Hot Yoga Studio Design - Do's and Don'ts

Hot Yoga Studio Design - Points To Consider

Whether you are looking to build a brand new, purpose built hot yoga studio, or add heating to an existing yoga centre to provide an additional offering to your customers / clients / yogis, there are a few things to consider:

Hot Yoga Studios seem to popping up all over the UK, and since entering in to the market of hot yoga we have seen another rise in the popularity of this practice, mainly because it is affordable for a newly qualified teacher, or even a well established teacher or yoga entrepreneur to start up their own studio by using some very basic, but vital principles of heating and humidity and designing an attractive studio around this equipment. Most of the clients we have are entrepreneurs looking to make the most of utilising hot yoga because of the health benefits and the impact they can have on other people's lives.
As a company, you may have noticed we tend to stay out of the spiritual side of yoga when blogging about hot yoga studios, mainly because we just don't have the experience and we are not qualified to talk about it. We are also sometimes asked if we practice hot yoga at Euro Controls - the truth is we don't, but that doesn't mean to say we don't know what we are talking about when it comes to specifying the right type of heating for a brand new studio - in fact, it can work in our favour as we can take a very objective view of what is needed in the room in order to reach the high temperatures of 30, 35 and even...............

Read the rest of the article here

Wednesday 8 May 2013

Radiant heaters -­ the answer for a climate-smart solution for Paul Hall

Radiant heaters -­ the answer for a climate-smart solution for Paul Hall

How do you create a comfortable indoor climate in large warehouses? The Paul Hall company had problems with irregular indoor temperatures and wanted to find a climate-smart solution. Frico had the answer!

“The problem was that when it was cold outdoors, it was also cold indoors”

Paul Hall is a full-service wholesaler in Jönköping (Sweden) that offers industrial and retail packaging, hygiene and paper towels, cleaning products, restaurant and catering, office materials and protective products.
  With a large warehouse and a retail section attached Paul Hall had problems with the indoor temperature and found it difficult to create a comfortable climate for the employees. When it was cold outdoors, it was also cold indoors. This made work less pleasant for the employees in both the warehouse and the shop. 

“We wanted a solution that worked for the employees, but that was also climate-smart”

Paul Hall contacted Bravida, integrated supplier of technical installation and service solutions for buildings, who have a contract with Frico. Bravida and Frico together developed a solution for Paul Hall. It was important to find as good a solution as possible, based on the building that was erected in the 1960s.
   “Our warehouse has a very high ceiling, something like six or seven metres high. The problem was that it was difficult to get the heat down because it gathered at the ceiling. Previously we had used electricity for all the heating and used fan heaters that drew in cold air and heated it. But it was not a good solution, neither for the employees nor if one was environmentally aware”, says Robert Stenvall, CEO at Paul Hall.

“With Frico's radiant heaters the temperature feels warmer”

To meet Paul Hall's requirements, a radiant heater with water borne heat was selected. The whole building was converted to a water borne system and the radiant heaters were installed at several locations in the ceiling.   “The unique thing about Frico's solution is the radiant heaters which mean that one experiences the heat as warmer than it actually is, because it does not create any air currents when it is radiated down to the ground. One of the requirements was that it should be more energy efficient and the new solution is much better”, says Robert Stenvall.

“Smart functions reduce our energy costs”

Because the investment is so new, it is difficult for Paul Hall to make any statements regarding the gains or losses in the long term. But Robert remarks that he has already noticed a difference in the heating cost.
   “The advantage of Frico's radiant heaters is that there are specific settings for energy saving, for example that one can set different temperatures for different zones or that one lets the system run lower at the weekend and overnight. In principle we are never here at the weekend, for example, so that is an excellent function that we make the most of.”

“Frico's water heated radiant heater is a very good product”

Johan Lindh, project manager and consultant at Bravida, was the one who drew up and ran the project and ensured that the fitters correctly installed Frico's products in position. “I worked with Frico to develop some different heating solutions and presented them to Paul Hall. I personally think that this type of heating, using water heated radiant heaters, is more economical, because it functions as a form of inverted floor heating, and the surfaces heat up - not the air”
Johan considers that Frico's products are developed to be easy to install and also thinks that the products meet expectations. “Certain products can be installed very easily, by just sticking a plug into a wall socket. Frico is very advanced in this. The particular advantage of a water heated radiant heater is that it is essentially completely maintenance free for the customer”, says Johan.

Frico also gave Johan good support during the project planning stage and he considers Frico to have a lot of very able people in the company. “During the course of the project I have been in touch with, and received support from, at least four or five people. They also helped out during the project phase and came up with innovative ideas and solutions”, says Johan.

With a water heated  radiant heater Frico could meet Paul Hall's requirements for a heating solution that worked for both the big warehouse and the shop. Today the premises have an indoor temperature that is adapted to the employees, but is alsoclimate-smart!

Original Article published on the FRIO website:  Click Here

Heating Film Gives Discreet Heating Solution At Low Low Prices

Brand New Infra Red Heating Film - Comfort Heating For Your Home



With its integral Rockwool insulation, the ORION module simply rests on the joists of your ceiling plaster or plasterboard hangers. Especially designed to be installed and maintained without
construction and without tools, the module is equipped with ILO PLUG and PLAY connection lines. Kits include heated and unheated (neutral) modules to maintain insulation integrity.

In one simple operation, you can fit the insulation, the infra red heating system and the electrical connection

You then simply mount plasterboard or panelling ...

After drying and normal decorating, your ceiling will be transformed into a wide and gentle heating surface , ensuring a pleasant and comfortable feeling from an invisible heating source.

 Prefabricated modules for heated ceiling

• Comfortable efficient radiant
• For use with plasterboard
or panelled ceilings
• A warm even heating source
for the entire room
• Invisible frees waII space
• Simple to install and once installed,
there is no maintenance
• Suitable for flat or pitched ceilings
• Thin insulated and protected
heating film
• 40 mm rockwool insultation
• Lengths: 585mm and 1170mm
• Width: 540mm
• Outputs: from 44 to 108 Watts
• Average output
from 135 to 175 Watts/m2
• A range of control accessories
• Plug and Play system