Thursday 13 September 2012

What Is Hot Pilates?

Core Control, High Temperature and Hot Pilates

Hot Yoga, Bikram Yoga and other forms of yoga under controlled heat, have seriously taken the health and fitness market by storm in the last few years.

Naturally, out of this, other forms of exercise such as hot pilates will compete to be the next big thing to blast on to the scene offering a hot experience within a room similar, if not the same, as a hot yoga studio with temperatures reaching up to 40C.

This video on will give you insight in to the next big thing in health and vitality - hot pilates.  Here you can see the guy sweating his heart out while holding certain poses under intense heat.  It would seem that adding the extra heat to the body via infra red heaters or using a hot air system improves the circulation and the warmth of the muscles, while at the same time relaxing tight muscles allowing for a greater range of motion and therefore a deeper stretch.

Pilates practitioners will tell you that controlling the core musculature - made up of the transversus abdominis, multifidus, diaphragm and the pelvic floor, contributes to better posture, fewer injuries and greater stability when performing sports or lifting heavy objects....

....add some extra heat to the room, and the likelihood is that you will have to concentrate 10x harder to control the core, switching on the above muscles and performing precise controlled movements, but the benefits of sweating and detoxing are fare reaching and much needed in this world of polluted air, food and water sources.

We are in the process of providing a hot pilates studio with a proposal on taking the temperature of the room to above 40C.

Look out - you could be doing aerobics classes in 40C soon!

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