Tuesday 19 June 2012

How does infrared heating work?...P3

Installing the heaters

Using a qualified electrician to install the infrared heaters is incredibly important, as it could mean the difference between a quality installation where you need not tamper with the equipment or mess around with the controls and weeks of agony trying desperately to get the installer back in to finish the job properly!

Ask the installer to show you how the controllers work, and what sort of heat settings you can expect.  Make sure you know how to do the basics, and don't take for granted that you can switch the infrared heating system on with one click of a button.  Most of the controllers we supply have program settings within the system, which means they function best when set up to run on automatic settings and not

The installer will most likely need to add each of the units to the electrical wiring loop, and use 'contactors' or breakers where necessary, to avoid over burdening the controller.  The heaters should also come with brackets so make sure when ordering you ask about brackets and how much extra cost is involved.

I need more power!

Ensure there is enough power being supplied to the infrared heaters - once the total Amperage is added up, you may find that there is very little power available from the main power board.  The last think you need is to add extra power to the building power board, as this can provide very costly and will sky rocket your capital costs.  Obviously, check whether the units run on a single phase power supply or a three phase supply.  Most small offices, small shops and spaces will run on single phase power, however the larger commercial and industrial spaces will run on three phase power supply, and some companies will have their own power grid to provide ample amperage!

So, to recap, here are some of the many benefits of installing electric infrared heaters:

  • Low running costs
  • Provide comfortable heating - much like the heat from the sun
  • Easy to install
  • No maintenance

Plus, when buying the heaters, ask the following questions:

  • How much power supply is available on the power board?
  • Do the heaters need mounting brackets?
  • What sort of controls will you need?

Finally, when installing the heaters, remember the following:

  • Hire a certified electrician
  • Use breakers where necessary
  • Ask the installer to show you how the controls work before leaving site
  • Ask the installer to program the system before leaving site

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