Wednesday 12 June 2013

Hot Yoga Studio Design - Do's and Don'ts

Hot Yoga Studio Design - Points To Consider

Whether you are looking to build a brand new, purpose built hot yoga studio, or add heating to an existing yoga centre to provide an additional offering to your customers / clients / yogis, there are a few things to consider:

Hot Yoga Studios seem to popping up all over the UK, and since entering in to the market of hot yoga we have seen another rise in the popularity of this practice, mainly because it is affordable for a newly qualified teacher, or even a well established teacher or yoga entrepreneur to start up their own studio by using some very basic, but vital principles of heating and humidity and designing an attractive studio around this equipment. Most of the clients we have are entrepreneurs looking to make the most of utilising hot yoga because of the health benefits and the impact they can have on other people's lives.
As a company, you may have noticed we tend to stay out of the spiritual side of yoga when blogging about hot yoga studios, mainly because we just don't have the experience and we are not qualified to talk about it. We are also sometimes asked if we practice hot yoga at Euro Controls - the truth is we don't, but that doesn't mean to say we don't know what we are talking about when it comes to specifying the right type of heating for a brand new studio - in fact, it can work in our favour as we can take a very objective view of what is needed in the room in order to reach the high temperatures of 30, 35 and even...............

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