Friday 26 October 2012

Hot Yoga – Why Heat & Humidity?

Heat and humidity allows the body to warm up properly. This in turn reduces the risk of injury and allows you to work more deeply.

If you take into consideration that Hot Yoga originated in India, where they have a much hotter and humid climate, it makes sense that we should prepare our bodies with heat and humidity before stretching.

By combining Heat and Humidity in Hot Yoga studios the following benefits can be gained;

·         Muscles and connective tissues become elastic allowing for greater flexibility with less chance of injury;
·         Encourages sweating which assists the detoxification process;
·         Blood becomes thinner which clears the circulatory system;
·         Helps to multiply T cells which fight infection and in turn keep your immune system functioning properly;
·         Helps to increase your heart rate which improves your cardiovascular system;
·         Burns fat more effectively;
·         Helps you to think clearer;
·         Improves strength because proteins can be utilized more effectively;
·         Speeds up the breakdown of glucose and fatty acids;
·         Provides strengthening of willpower, self control and determination.

As you can see, there are many benefits when heat and humidity are introduced into your workout, so why not contact us today for information on our Infrared Heating Panels and Humidifiers.


Thursday 25 October 2012

THE HOT BOX: Purpose Built Hot Yoga & Training Studio

Euro Controls UK Ltd have created THE HOT BOX: The Purpose Built Hot Yoga & Training Studio that has been developed on the back of the increase in demand for hot yoga in America, UK and Europe.  

THE HOT BOX comes complete with infra red heating panels to take the room to over 40C plus a a state of the art steam humidifier to keep the humidity levels up, along with specialised mood lighting to create the perfect atmosphere to practice hot yoga, fitness and sports rehabilitation exercises.

THE HOT BOX wood is from Finland - Euro Controls UK Ltd have selected the very finest of wood that is well insulated meaning the heat that is generated within THE HOT BOX stays where it should, without waste.  Clients will be able to practice in the heat without any air flow, noisy fans or stale air - perfect!

THE HOT BOX is suitable for athletes looking to get the edge in terms of pre match training.  Studies have shown how training in hot, humid conditions can improve performance by  up to 8%.

 What does this mean for athletes living / residing in cooler climates?

They can train in the heat before travelling to a tournement in a hot and humid climate.  For example, Andy Murray, World No.3 would be able to acclimatise to the hot weather in Dubai, Australia, America where temperatures will range from 30-40C +, before travelling to the tournement destination giving him the edge before even setting foot on court and practicing before a main event.  His body will have been conditioned in hot humid conditions using the THE HOT BOX, giving him a head start, and giving him the confidence to perform in the hottest environments.

In addition to the added benefits of using THE HOT BOX for heat conditioning, athletes can use the hot environment to stretch and perform rehabilitation exercises and promote quicker healing.  By subjecting the muscles of the body to higher temperatures, the athlete will find a greater range of motion with stretches, thereby flushing the muscles with oxygenated blood and clearing the muscle cells of waste, and preventing the build up of scar tissue.

Studies have shown that muscles tend to tighten up after an injury, therefore, THE HOT BOX could be used as a way to prevent injury in the first place but also to help in the healing and strengthening process needed post injury.

THE HOT BOX is set to take the hot yoga, sports rehab and sports training sector by storm and will be the must have item for yogis and athletes alike.

For more information Contact / 0870 770 1500

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Hot Yoga Studio Design: The Fitness Space

 Hot Yoga: The Fitness Space, Ascot

The Fitness Space in Ascot have a brand new hot yoga studio installed thanks to our engineers at Euro Controls UK Ltd. 

We specified and installed 9 FRICO radiant heaters, with controls to provide approx. 10kW of heating power to the room.

Read the full article here:

Hot Yoga Studio Design: The Fitness Space

The Fitness Space in Ascot have a brand new hot yoga studio installed thanks to our engineers at Euro Controls UK Ltd.

Read the full article here:

Tuesday 2 October 2012

Hot Yoga Design: Top 10 FAQs

The Top 10 FAQs On Hot Yoga Design 0870 770 1500

1. How much do the heating panels cost?

Between £240.00 and £300.00 per unit.  We’d do a heat loss calculation and recommend the right number of units are used in your studio to achieve a particular temperature.

2. Does it matter how high the room is?

Generally not, as long as the ceiling is flat, well insulated and has mounting points within the structure.  We haven’t come across any ceilings that have posed a real problem as yet.

3. How many studios have you supplied?

We started our first in February/March this year with The House of Yoga, and we have just supplied our 10th studio.

 4. What temperatures can they go to?

We work on from heat loss calculation.  So long as the room is well insulated and has enough power supply, we can go up to 40C.  

Following our site survey, we will enter the information such as dimensions, insulation type, building type, desired temperature, etc, and determine exactly how many infra red heaters are needed for the room.

5. What are the running costs?

For a 100m2 room, you would be looking to pay from 50p per hour to £2.60 per hour when the system is on.

 6. What colours do they come in?

The standard colours are white and graphite grey, however, we can have them painted to match the design of your studio at an additional cost.

7. Are they the same as FAR infrared?

Same technology, just different terminology – the heaters use infra red waves, the same as FAR infra red to heat the objects in the room.

8. What is the difference between using your heaters and a hot air system?

A hot air system will heat the air, meaning it has to be pumping out hot air constantly, the infra red heaters will heat the objects in the room, including the people representing a heat that is more comfortable for the body – it heats very much like the sun, is more cost effective, silent and requires very little maintenance. 

9. Why do you need a humidifier?

In the winter, the air humidity will drop, meaning it won’t feel as hot in the studio without the extra humidity – in order to get people sweating on dry days, it is important to add the humidity using a commercial humidifier.  They are cheap to run, and will only be used periodically through the year.

10. How long would it take to have it all up and running?

Within 2- 3 weeks usually – we need to organise diaries for the engineers, stock the products, design the layout, and perform a heat output calculation.

Contact: 0870 770 1500